Sex Reliance

Sex reliance is the act of sexual behavior, whether it’s masturbation, internet porn, sex fetishes, oral sex, or just only having compulsive sexual behavior with life-damaging consequences. Sometimes these impulses can be brought on by substance abuse or drug reliance, and other times it could be mental or physical abuse. Sex addicts can have severe issues with sexual dysfunction with there spouse or catch potentially life long diseases that can be damaging to your body or loved one. Watching porn or having sex reliance is a severe problem for millions of marriages and families all around the world. In today’s society, internet porn is just a click of a button away and can be very hard to avoid the temptation.

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And Learn more about those who struggle with it

There are seven different types of sex reliance:

The excessive use of masturbation or pornography watching to which the brain starts to relate sexual pleasure to an image or fantasy, causing the addict to struggle to be sexually satisfied by the real-life sexual intercourse. Only about 15% of sex addicts are biologically based.
An addict can use sexual activities to try and fill a spiritual void, but over time they realize that void is only filled by faith, not by sexual behaviors.
Typically is someone who has been sexually abused or emotionally neglected as a child. They will often take comfort in sexual acts that fulfill their sexual fantasies. About 80% of all people who struggle with compulsive sexual behavior have been abused, abandonment, or neglect issues for the past.
Trauma Based
This is when someone was raped or has been sexually abused as a child or adolescent. The victim becomes an addict to the type of sexual abuse they were exposed to. This often can have long last emotional damage, and these emotions must be addressed and handled to heal and overcome their sexual urges and treatment of sex.
Intimacy Anorexia

The act of has sexual intercourse for only and solely pleasure. Typically addict struggles to fall in love and has been emotionally hurt in the past.

There are several different types of metal mood disorders with bipolar disorder and depression being two of the most common. These people typically have a chemical imbalance in their brain, and they use the pleasure of sex to help offset that imbalance. Often using sex to have the feeling of happiness or love.
Emotional Fulfillment
This is when someone was raped or has been sexually abused as a child or adolescent. The victim becomes an addict to the type of sexual abuse they were exposed to. This often can have long last emotional damage, and these emotions must be addressed and handled to heal and overcome their sexual urges and treatment of sex.

Sex Reliance Treatment Methods

It all starts with finding sex reliance treatment centers that suit you and your needs. You have to be careful which sex reliance therapy you choose as well because of 70% of all sex reliance methods treatment centers DON’T WORK. This is because they haven’t changed their treatment programs in over 50 years. Scientific data and evidence-based research have shown that to reprogram our brain and its mental structure, you must remove yourself from the environment that you were once used to. This is incredibly important, and the first critical step in changing your perspective of life. This is why we at perspective recovery are located in Central America and is an inpatient treatment facilities. We focus on mental healing away from anything they once knew. One of the biggest things an addict loses is their feeling of self-worth. At perspective recovery, we allow our clients to give back in a significant way, by helping the Nicaraguan people. We work with our clients in the community, allowing them to give back without any expectation of something in return. This has been scientifically proven to flood the body with the feeling of self-worth. Also, science has shown that one on one individual therapy sessions are very important; group therapy sessions are one of the most effective forms of therapy in rehab centers when overcoming sexual compulsions.

You or a loved one seeking recovery? Contact us!

Recovery starts with the first step

At perspective recovery, our goals are to:


To step away… Step away from people that we typically associate with. Step away from places we frequent. Step away from things we are used to having in our daily lives. In order to refocus your mind, it is vital to remove yourself from day to day normalities in your life.


We are then able to realign our perspective when we learn to accept and take responsibility for the way things have been in our life. No matter the circumstances of your current situation in life, when we take full responsibility for our actions and how we control the direction of our lives, a new World of opportunity opens up to us.


The most crucial part of a perspective change is creating a plan to keep your newfound perspective fresh in your mind and to train yourself always to be open to learning how to grow as an individual. At Perspective Recovery, we help the individual create a clear and attainable list of goals to strive for in every area of your life. We create the road map and give our guests a lifetime GPS subscription to reach these goals.

Sex Reliance Recovery Starts here. Take the first step. Contact us