What is PTSD & ptsd treatment

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric disorder that occurs when a very traumatic or emotional pain incident happens in one’s life rather than be war/combat, natural disasters, terrorist attack, serious accidents, or sexual abuse; these incidents can cause repeated trauma to the brain and how it handles these situations. Most people think that the only people who struggle with PTSD are war vets that have been in combat and have lost several friends or were personally injured themselves. Although a lot of the cases of PTSD are war-related, PTSD affects people of all ages and walks of life. 3.5% of the population struggles with PTSD, and around 1 out of 11 people will be diagnosed with some form of PTSD at some point in their life. Women are actually twice as likely to acquire PTSD than men.
See people that struggle with PTSD can have long-lasting vivid flashbacks or nightmares, where they relive the experience all over again. See, your brain does not know how to deal with these traumatic events, so when one has a flashback or nightmare, this is how your brains heal itself and deal with these emotions. The only reason we dream at night when we sleep is so our brain and deal with trauma-focused issues and handle the emotions we don’t know how to comprehend or understand, and it will do this over a period of time until its able to understand the events that took place.
Where does PTSD occur in the brain?
- Neomammalian – This is the front of your brain. It controls your cognitive processing, your decision making, learning, and memory.
- Mammalian – This is the middle of your brain, which processes emotion and conveys serious relays back and forth between the brain.
- Reptilian – This is the part of the brain that’s responsible for our survival and autonomic body processes. PTSD happens here in the reptilian section of the brain.
When your brain is functioning normally, it flows from the top down. First cognitive processing and decision making, second processing emotion, third your survival, and autonomic body processes like your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing. When your brain is functioning after trauma, it flows from the bottom up.
Typically when something traumatic happens, our brain triggers a fight or flight emotion where our brain switches from reactive to responsive then, after the traumatic incident is over, it switches back to reactive. When PTSD occurs, this shift from reactive to responsive never occurs. Instead, the reptilian brain holds the survivor in a reactive state.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
It is an interactive psychotherapy technique, used to expose psychological stress occurring disorders. Emdr treatment for PTSD and for trauma can be beneficial. In other words, we sit down with you and used EMDR therapy to discover the most traumatic moments in your life, and we bring them to resolution. By reprogramming the brain through Nero plastics, we are able to help our clients move forward in life instead of being trapped in our past traumatic experiences.
Additional Symptoms Include
● Trouble falling asleep and also staying asleep
● Nightmares
● Reckless or destructive behavior
● Problems with concentration
● Hypervigilance
● Flashbacks
● Unable to feel and express affection or love
● Easily startled and extremely overdramatic
● Inability to trust anyone
● Forgetting parts of the traumatic experience
PTSD Treatment Plan & How It Works
It all starts with finding PTSD treatment centers that suit you and your needs. You have to be careful which PTSD therapy you choose as well because of 70% of all post-traumatic stress disorder treatment centers DON’T WORK. This is because they haven’t changed their treatment plan in over 50 years. Scientific data and evidence-based research have shown that in order to treat PTSD, our brain, and its mental structure, you must remove yourself from the environment that you were once used to. This is incredibly important, and the first critical step in changing your perspective of life. This is why we at perspective recovery are located in Central America and is an inpatient treatment facilities. We focus on mental healing away from anything they once knew. One of the biggest things an addict loses is their feeling of self-worth. At perspective recovery, we allow our clients who have positive belief to give back in a significant way, by helping the Nicaraguan people. We work with our clients in the community, enabling them to give back without any expectation of something in return. This has been scientifically proven to flood the body with the feeling of self-worth. Also, science has shown that yes one on one individual therapy sessions
with a mental health professional is very important, group therapy sessions are one of the most effective forms of therapy in rehab centers when dealing with complex PTSD treatment.